Ethsnarks Projects

Ethsnarks is comprised of a main repository and several other repositories which use the main repository as a git submodule.


The core repository, includes implementations of all algorithms and common code, the build system and tests. It is implemented in C++ using CMake as a build system. It can be built on Linux, OSX and Windows - however, testing is limited to Linux and OSX so Windows support may be subtly broken.


Builds libsnark and Ethsnarks for WebAssembly using Emscripten.

However, libgmp compiled to WebAssembly using Emscripten is very slow, around 40x slower than native. Given that around 60% of the proving time is GMP modulo multiplication operations this is a significant performance impact which limits the usefulness of the Emscripten port of Ethsnarks.



Ethereum compatible example project, demonstrates how to prove you know the secret pre-image for a SHA2-256 hash, integrates with an on-chain smart contract with Truffle, Javascript and Python support.


Demonstrates the ‘roll_up’ transaction aggregator pattern for computational compression - using only three fields ‘from index’, ‘to index’ and ‘amount’ for each transaction the zkSNARK circuit ensures that a valid signature for the ‘from’ account in a merkle tree is used - it then updates the merkle tree and provides the new root.


Ethereum compattible example project, provides an anonymised fixed-denomination coin mixing service for Ethereum. Includes Truffle, Javascript, Solidity and Python support.


Example of integrating Ethsnarks with the Pepper project to provide ‘exogenous gadgets’.

High-level languages


This project aims to separate the ‘intermediate language’ part of the Ethsnarks repository (which started as part of the jsnark and pinocchio compatibility efforts) into its own repository.


Initial attempt at integration between jsnark and Ethsnarks, the circuits compiled using jsnark or xjsnark can be compiled, proved and run using Ethsnarks - which in turn is compatible with Ethereum.


Initial attempt at porting the FairPlay MPC language called ‘Secure Function Definition Language’ to be compatible with Ethsnarks and Ethereum.


Initial attempt to add support for the Pinocchio C to QAP compiler and intermediate language to Ethsnarks.